Updates from February, 2008 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Pat 11:45 pm on 29 February 2008 Permalink  

    Is there a price difference between DVD and Blu-Ray editions of the same movie? If not, I would tend to agree that there’s very little reason not to take the plunge now.

  • Bartholomew Xerxes Ogilvie, Jr. 4:09 pm on 29 February 2008 Permalink  

    Speaking of which, I just realized that I’ve crossed a line that I didn’t know I had crossed. I was just about to pre-order a DVD from Amazon when I noticed the statement “This title is also available in Blu-ray.”

    And I realized, I’m done buying standard DVDs, at least when there’s an alternative. I’m sure I’ll have a Blu-ray player within a year, so it doesn’t make sense to go with the obsolete format.

    In the meantime, I guess that means I’ll be relying on Netflix…

    UPDATE: It just occurred to me that I can’t be the only person who feels this way. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the end of the format war causes a sudden dip in DVD sales, even if there’s no corresponding increase in Blu-ray sales.

  • Ben B 1:49 pm on 29 February 2008 Permalink  

    I’m not sure that has a leg to stand on, mostly because fictional attributes are hard to regulate.

    What if, say, HD DVD had advertised it had a greater number of resmolutions than Blu-Ray. Could anyone call it false advertising?

  • Bartholomew Xerxes Ogilvie, Jr. 10:34 am on 29 February 2008 Permalink  

    I saw this recently at the A.C. Moore craft store in Cary:


    I looked through the visors in the bin. There were mice, monkeys, zebras … but no quails. False advertising, I say.

  • Pat 5:09 pm on 28 February 2008 Permalink  

    Of course it’s possible. If God hates you enough. What have done lately that could have provoked Him?

  • Ben B 4:19 pm on 28 February 2008 Permalink  

    I know the idea of walking around under your own personal rain cloud is just a bit of dramatic license turned iconic.

    But everywhere I have walked today (to & from my car, and various nonlinear locations on campus) it has been into a headwind. But is that even meteorologically possible?

  • Ben B 10:50 am on 28 February 2008 Permalink  

    That’s silly. Science?

    It’s really just a weapons test so that the USA can safely turn the moon into a penal colony without fear of rebellion.

  • Bartholomew Xerxes Ogilvie, Jr. 10:04 am on 28 February 2008 Permalink  

    Forget the Sun. It appears that our government has decided that the Moon is a bigger threat, and they’re doing something about it.

  • Ben B 1:40 pm on 27 February 2008 Permalink  

    An Alaskan village is suing Big Energy because global warming is having a negative effect on the village.

    My legal advice: at least get the Sun on the docket as an unindicted co-conspirator in preparation for your suit against it.

  • Pat 9:28 am on 27 February 2008 Permalink  

    That self-sizing and self-drying jacket was pretty cool, too.

    How about this: If we get the other stuff we were promised in Back to the Future II (hoverboards, Mr. Fusion, Nikes with power laces, intelligent jackets), I for one am willing to give up any claim to flying cars and jet packs. Although for me, that’s not really much of a sacrifice. I would not strap on a jet pack for any amount of money; the whole idea sounds suicidal. And flying cars aren’t really much better. Think of all the lousy drivers on the roads today. Now imagine that they are all free to drive their cars in any direction at all, in three dimensions and at much higher speeds. I think I would stay on the ground.

    It’s not easy to become a licensed pilot, and there are some very good reasons for that. Our air traffic control system would completely collapse if everyone with a driver’s license started piloting a personal aircraft. And I don’t even want to think about what auto insurance would cost. The idea of flying cars for everyone looked really cool on The Jetsons, yes. But in the real world, I think it would be more like a cross between bumper cars and the Battle of Britain. No, thanks.

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